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Know Your Why Course & Action Workbook

People rarely become successful by accident. In most cases, those who start great

businesses or have enviable careers are able to do so because they’re motivated by

something much greater than money, fame, or status. They’re driven by their purpose in

life, otherwise known as their big ‘why.’

Your ‘why’ is the driving factor in your life, the impetus behind everything you do. It is the

purpose, cause, or belief that inspires you to action. It not only applies to your

professional life, but to your personal life too. Simon Sinek, marketing consultant,

bestselling author, and motivational speaker says, “We don’t have a professional WHY

and personal WHY. We are who we are wherever we are.” Your big ‘why’ is present and

consistent throughout all aspects of your life. It’s how you define who you are and why

you exist on this planet.

However, as we go through life we take on roles which can disguise our ‘why’ from

others, and often from ourselves too. This means that finding your singular ‘why’ can be

a challenge.

Your ‘why’ is personal to you, and it will be slightly different for everyone. Only you can

determine your ‘why’ and finding it requires deep self-awareness and self-reflection. It

isn’t a matter of looking for something outside of yourself. Your ‘why’ is inside you and

the challenge is to reveal it. When you do, you can tap into your ‘why’ to fuel your

success on whatever path you choose.

By the end of this course, you’ll be well on your way to uncovering your ‘why’ and using

it every day to feel more fulfilled in all aspects of your life.

Learning Objectives:

By the time you complete this course, you'll be able to:

Inside Fashion Design



➢ Identify why you need to get clear on your big ‘why’ and how it affects your whole

life if you don’t

➢ Connect with the true passions of your life so that you can feel empowered and

free to find and embrace your big ‘why’

➢ Get clarity around your life’s purpose and define your big ‘why’ so that you make

intentional choices about your life going forward

➢ Find practical ways to integrate your passion and your purpose into your current

(or planned) business or career, so that you are in alignment with your ‘why’ and

moving forward to achieve what you desire

➢ Consolidate and implement your learning and plan future action steps so you can

achieve the goals you set for this course

This course is broken down into 5 modules to take you through how to discover the

purpose that will motivate you through all your ups and downs in business.

The modules follow a logical order, so while you can skip around if you want, it’s best to

work through them one at a time.

As you go through each module, use your Action Guide to help you complete the Action

Steps at the end of each.


Know Your Why Course & Action Workbook

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