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Want To Help Us Celebrate? Party With Inside Fashion Design!!!!

Hey, fabulous Conscious Fashion Friends! Can you believe it? Inside fashion Design is celebrating its seventh year! Oh, what a journey it's been – filled with more inspiration, insights, community connections, and stylish surprises than we ever imagined! Join us celebrating our anniversary!

photo of girls celebrating at a happy hour
NYC Community Building Happy Hour

From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful for the chance to dedicate my time to my passion and shape the future of IFD and what we can bring to you. None of this would be possible without the endless love and support from the fantastic design community.

Sure, being an entrepreneur in the fashion world has its share of challenges, but let me tell you, the thrill of providing you with fresh, insightful content all year round? That's what keeps me going and has become My Big Purpose! Whether exploring sustainable fashion, chatting with up-and-coming designers, or exploring the latest in fashion tech, career tips, and ethical design, we're all about keeping you informed, inspired, and empowered to shape your Conscious Fashion future!

group picture of attendees at an IFD event
ifd event attendees!

As we toast this milestone, I want to give our loyal readers and supporters a big shoutout. You guys are the true VIPs, and we're committed to serving up even more valuable content that fuels & supports your fashion journey! Have ideas and suggestions? We welcome them! Leave us a comment or send a note- we are always on the look out for emerging designer stories, industry tools and resources and career features.

Let's keep the party going by walking down memory lane. Do you have a favorite IFD moment? Let us know with a comment on our social media or in comments below. What's fashion without a little shared love and shoutouts? We are curious what has resonated with you the most!

A trip down memory lane!

Are you in the Portland area? We are celebrating in person! Join us for an evening of fun and comradery! Free and open to all.

And speaking of fabulous gatherings, who's ready for some Community Conversations? Last year's series was a blast, and we're gearing up for an even bigger and bolder lineup in 2024! Trust me, you will want to join us! Join us each week- by treating yourself to a 30 minute break to get inspired and connect!

Mark your calendars for May 9th, when we kick things off with the incredible Anna Cosentino. Grab your latte or lunch because we're in for 30 minutes of inspiration, insider insights, and killer connections to brighten your day.

Let me tell you a little about our featured guest, Anna. She's a true powerhouse – think producer, creative director, curator, branding whiz, and all-around fashion guru. With a resume that reads like a who's who of the fashion elite, she's here to spill the tea on how you can find Your Big Purpose in the fashion world and living your values like the style superstar you are!

So, whether you're a seasoned pro or a fresh face in the fashion scene, join us for an inspirational chat with Anna. It's free, fabulous, and open to everyone ready to take their fashion game to the next level!

Oh, and remember to shower us with some birthday love! Share your favorite ifd moments on social media or drop us a comment – because there's nothing we love more than hearing from our fierce fashion community!!

Here's to seven years of learning, growing, connecting, and having lots of fun along the way! Cheers conscious fashion friends! 🥂✨

Check out some Previous Community Conversations

Community Conversation with Lee Calderon header graphic
Community Conversation with Lee Calderon

birthday picture for IFD with cake and confetti
ifd turns 7!!!

Here's to another great year!! Thanks for reading today! We appreciate you!!

Have story suggestions or questions?  Reach out to let us know

Know someone who would like this article?  Please share!

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Hey there, lovely fashion friends! My name is Britta Cabanos, and I'm thrilled to have you here! 


I'm a 25+ year fashion industry design professional, and I'm passionate about supporting conscious designers, ethical makers, and sustainability. I believe that fashion can be a powerful force for good, and I'm committed to helping aspiring fashion industry pros make their mark in this exciting and ever-changing field. 


If you share my passion for conscious fashion and sustainability,  then you're in the right place. I offer industry insights, mentorship, connections, and resources to help you achieve your goals and make a positive impact in the world. Let's connect and explore the possibilities together - are you ready to join me on this exciting journey?

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Thanks for joining us!

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Consciously & Ethically Designed

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About the Book

"Conscious design is a philosophy used at the Peterman Design Firm. We use it to create brands and products that restore and sustain our planet. The Peterman Method for conscious design is the culmination of Ian’s 15+ years working in product development and Jessica’s 20 years in working as a healer and studying regenerative technologies and tools for both people and our planet. Together, we’ve written this book to lay out a culmination of our combined experiences. Our goal is to help other people start looking at the world, and design, in a more conscious way."

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