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Moving Forward: How to Refine Your Values, Mission & Your Big Purpose for Success

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

Hey there, fashion friend! I am glad you are here and interested in taking some time to invest in yourself! Grab a cup of tea and join us as we work through the below action steps that will set a solid foundation to build upon.

When we start a design project, we always ask ourselves, "What's the point?" We take a step back and really think about the values, mission, and purpose of what we're creating. These days, it's more important than ever to consider the long-term impact of our designs. We want to leave a positive mark on the world, not just with our product but also on people & the planet. Being a conscious fashion designer means more than just creating sustainable clothing. It's about infusing your personal values and purpose into every stitch and detail. Let's use this springtime to freshen up our core values, refine our "Why" or "YBP," and fine-tune our mission statements. And let's always keep our North Star in sight! To help you along the way, we've got some handy articles and links to our guides and workbooks. These resources will help you get those key elements in place and learn how to apply them for both personal and professional growth and success.

Also, stay tuned for what's coming up next, the kick-off of Phase 1 of Conscious Fashion Design & Development Journey! You will be invited to join us on that adventure too! (check back as we are fine-tuning all the deets!) Let's make the world a better place, one thoughtful design at a time! To join us, join me and our community as we work through the key elements, by clicking the links below

Key Elements: 1. Defining your Values

OH, by the way- I'd like to invite you to become an ifd Insider, which is our free fashion industry community and resource hub. There you will find free resources, online learning, community, and discounted rates on our workshops and course. visit here to learn more


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Hey there, lovely fashion friends! My name is Britta Cabanos, and I'm thrilled to have you here! 


I'm a 25+ year fashion industry design professional, and I'm passionate about supporting conscious designers, ethical makers, and sustainability. I believe that fashion can be a powerful force for good, and I'm committed to helping aspiring fashion industry pros make their mark in this exciting and ever-changing field. 


If you share my passion for conscious fashion and sustainability,  then you're in the right place. I offer industry insights, mentorship, connections, and resources to help you achieve your goals and make a positive impact in the world. Let's connect and explore the possibilities together - are you ready to join me on this exciting journey?

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Thanks for joining us!

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Consciously & Ethically Designed

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About the Book

"Conscious design is a philosophy used at the Peterman Design Firm. We use it to create brands and products that restore and sustain our planet. The Peterman Method for conscious design is the culmination of Ian’s 15+ years working in product development and Jessica’s 20 years in working as a healer and studying regenerative technologies and tools for both people and our planet. Together, we’ve written this book to lay out a culmination of our combined experiences. Our goal is to help other people start looking at the world, and design, in a more conscious way."

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